A Sleepy Hollow Election


The Village of Sleepy Hollow is where we all live. We’re happily part of it and delighted to partake in its activities.

Martin Smolin, who is active locally, advised us of the following:

Sleepy Hollow is having its LOSAP referendum on Saturday, October 3. LOSAP stands for “Length of Service Award Program.” Other villages in Westchester that have volunteer fire departments and ambulance corps have found a way to recognize volunteers for their contributions to the community. Unpaid firemen and women are often placed in dangerous situations. And, as we know from experience at Kendal, volunteer EMTs save lives by their prompt responses. LOSAP allows local government to put aside tax money for volunteers’ retirement. 

Sleepy Hollow has now decided to establish this worthwhile program, but first it must be approved by the voters. The balloting will take place from 9 am to 6 pm on Saturday, October 4 at KoH in the Residents Lounge. All residents who are registered to vote in Sleepy Hollow may participate. The polls will be supervised by Kendal residents. You must provide proof of residency, so wear your ID tag that day or bring proof of where you live. It should be a yes or no vote.  A summary of the LOSAP will be posted on the bulletin board near the mail boxes.