New Residents Council Members

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At the annual election of new members for the Kendal Residents Council last week, the following were elected: Len Andrew, Arthur Brady, Gretchen Engler, Jennifer Gardy, Maria Harris, Peggy Pennell, and Mary Alice Walker.

Continuing members are: Margo Berger, Muriel Fox, Edith Litt, Jeff O’Donnell, Hank Schacht, and Anne White.

Special thanks were given to retiring members: Jacky Cummings, Eugene DuBow, Margaret Gilroy, Bob Sanders, Lois Seulowitz and Pat Taylor.

After the election, the Nominating Committee recommended the following slate of officers for 2020 - 2021, which was voted on and accepted by the new Council: Hank Schacht - Chair, Jeff O’Donnell - Vice Chair, Peggy Pennell - Secretary, Len Andrew - Treasurer.

Congratulations to all.