Looking Forward to Seeing People Again

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For the last several months Kendal has labored under fairly severe restrictions. Residents have been precluded from dining together, so even that bit of socialization has had to suffer.

Without question, the rules and regulations have gone a long way in keeping us alive. By and large, while unhappy, the residents have adhered to the code of conduct and, at the same time, fully understood that that their lives depended on it. Kendal’s record has been superb. Now, a little light has appeared at the end of the tunnel. In a note from Management, we were advised:

“We know that everyone is eagerly looking ahead in hope that, with the vaccination clinics behind us, we will be able to lessen restrictions that have been necessary to mitigate the spread of COVID.

After the upcoming vaccination clinics, the resident population will be over 90% vaccinated. We will allow for the two-week period for second doses to reach full efficacy.

It is then our intention to – beginning March 1st –allow independent residents to once again eat and drink together in apartments. If visiting does occur, the limit is four (4) guests per apartment.”

It may not seem like much, but any movement forward gives us hope that the light will become brighter and that we will be alive to enjoy this newly earned freedom.