Free Market

“Free Market” doesn’t have much to do with Stop & Shop or C-Town where nothing is free. Rather, it has to do with the world economy.

Kendal is about to hear an interesting lecture on the subject. In his book Samuelson Friedman, Battle of the Free Market, Nicholas Wapshott brings “narrative verve and puckish charm” to the story of two giants of modern economics: Paul Samuelson, who revolutionized macroeconomics; and Milton Friedman, who wrote the seminal books The Great Contraction, and A Monetary History of the United States.

British-born, now living in the U.S., Nicholas Wapshott has had an illustrious career as an editor, writer, and broadcaster.   His biographies of Peter O’Toole, Margaret Thatcher, Carol Reed, and Rex Harrison display his dual interest in both the cinema and political economy.

He returns for his third Kendal talk on Monday, November 1 at 7:30 pm on Zoom.