Harriet Barnett Honored

Harriet Barnett is a familiar, warm and smiling figure at Kendal on Hudson.  She is a former Chair of the Residents Council, the long-term head of the Local Charities Committee, and represents CCRCs in Albany.

Teaching has been Harriet’s forte.  Over her lifetime, she taught in public schools and then became a teacher of teachers at Manhattanville College. She continues to conduct workshops for B.O.C.E.S. teachers.  
At Kendal, Harriet teaches English to Spanish-speaking staff, and Spanish to English-speaking residents and staff.

On October 22, Harriet Barnett received the prestigious Dorothy S. Ludwig Memorial Award given annually to a member of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers who has provided outstanding service to the world language teaching profession.

Congratulations, Harriet, on this well-deserved recognition of your lifetime of service as a foreign language teacher and mentor. And we at Kendal honor you also for outstanding service to the Kendal community