COVID Update

This COVID update was received from the Kendal Administration on December 13.

Governor Hochul has announced a new mask mandate, which is effective today. In light of the  rising cases and hospitalizations, and in alignment with the CDC’s recommendations for  communities with substantial and high transmission, masks are required to be worn in all indoor  public places unless businesses or venues implement a vaccine requirement. The mandate is set to expire on January 15, 2022.  

For Residents: While the mask requirement does not apply to private residences, it does  apply to common areas of residential buildings including senior housing. Independent  Living residents need to abide by the masking mandate.  

Guidance is being clarified for “Assisted Living”: Kendal’s Adirondack and Sunnyside. Residents  will be encouraged to wear masks in common areas, but it is not yet clear if it is mandated while within the neighborhood(s). If assisted-living residents leave Adirondack and Sunnyside,  masking is required. Independent Living residents traveling into Assisted Living must be masked, as they are considered “visitors”.  

Currently, we are not making any changes to dining at Kendal. The Infection Control Team will  continue to review this area and will advise immediately if any changes are instituted.  

For Visitors: All visitors must always wear masks while in public/common spaces. In private independent living residences, visitors may unmask at the discretion of the resident(s) who  lives there. Visitors to Adirondack, Sunnyside and Clearwater must always remain masked.  

For Staff: Personnel in all areas of Kendal continue to be required to wear masks  commensurate with their job responsibilities. Masks are distributed regularly to each  Department Head to ensure compliance with our current protocols.  

Current recommendation: all, regardless of vaccination status, remain masked in group  activities or meetings.

PLEASE be patient with each other. Everyone is concerned about the health and safety of our community, but it is easy to become distracted and forget masks or to socially distance. If you see someone without their mask, do not scold, but gently remind them to mask up. Supplies of masks are generally available at the front desk and in the Bistro. “In a world where you can  choose to be anything, choose to be kind.”