Covid-19 Update

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The weekly Covid-19 update we receive from Kendal Management informs us that:

”We are one week out from our most recent vaccination clinics. For those who have received one dose, but are awaiting the second dose, the clinics to administer them will be held on March 2nd and 3rd. You will be contacted regarding specifics of time and place.

March will bring Spring, but first...

Beginning on March 1st, independent residents may once again eat and drink together in apartments. If visiting (of any type) does occur, the limit is still four resident guests per apartment. Additional “food for thought”, not previously mentioned:

• When not eating or drinking together, please remain masked to maximize protection

• Consider the size and seating arrangement of the apartment in which you are visiting.

While the number of resident guests may be four, it is still important to ensure that 6- foot social distancing can be maintained.

Future Considerations for “Reopening”

Until all second doses are administered, the Bistro will remain as take-out only. We are looking ahead to the middle of March to resume seated dining. Details will be forthcoming from Fred and the Dining Team.

Social visitation to all areas of Kendal on Hudson remain on pause at this time. We eagerly anticipate welcoming visitors back to independent living once our vaccination clinics are complete and fullest efficacy of the vaccines is achieved.

Re-opening of Clearwater, Sunnyside and Adirondack to visitors remains under the direction and guidance of the NYS Department of Health. Currently, there is no indication that the Department is considering any changes in their policies. Lisa will continue to update families as new information is shared by the Department.”

So, as you can see we are slowly moving toward some sort of return to normalcy. Residents will continue to follow the masking, distance and hand-washing regulations. But, it’s great to see that there is a little light at the end of this almost year-long tunnel.