Patient and Death Information Available

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As of March 1, when appropriate, the Patient Information Extension 3333 will also include a message about the passing of residents. 

 By dialing ext. 3333, you will hear the listing of Kendal residents currently in the hospital or in Clearwater, preceded by the name of any residents who have recently died. This information will add another timely notification of a resident’s death, in addition to the yellow rose placed on the shelf on Main Street. 

 We express our deepest appreciation to Gene King for his dedication to keeping us informed through this telephone service over the past decade. Amazingly, he never missed a single day. Many, many thanks, Gene!

 Sylvia Hawes, who with husband Aubrey moved to Kendal last fall, will be our new announcer of the patient and bereavement information on extension 3333.  Welcome, Sylvia!

 If there are questions about this service, pleased call Amelia Augustus