Library News

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The Kendal Library is a place to behold. And, it can be beheld any day of the week and any hour of the day, in other words, 24/7. On weekdays it is staffed from 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm by a resident volunteer.

One of the Library’s greatest strengths, other than its own collection, is that it has a wonderful connection to the much larger Warner Library in Tarrytown. Through Warner, books in the entire Westchester Library System are available to Kendal residents, and a trip to Tarrytown is not even necessary. Call the Warner to reserve a book and, after a short wait (depending on availability), it will be delivered to you at Kendal.

However… every once in a while a glitch in Kendal’s own system appears. Currently it’s a missing book. Has anyone seen A Woman of No Importance by Sonia Purnell? It disappeared between the front desk and Clearwater, and we would very much like to get it back. Many thanks in advance.

Also, there is a DVD collection in the library. We would like to make room for new donations and therefore find out which DVDs are borrowed and how often to determine their popularity. Please help us learn more by jotting down the date, your name and the title when you borrow a DVD. A sign-out sheet has been placed on the middle top shelf of the collection for this purpose.