Lecture: “Reflections on William Faulkner”

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An exciting Zoom lecture is scheduled for March 11 at 7:30 pm. The program will feature Brenda Wineapple.

Members of Bill McFeely’s history seminar will recall when Ms. Wineapple visited Kendal to discuss her book The Impeachers, published in May 2019. Ms. Wineapple returns on Thursday evening to discuss famed author William Faulkner.

The lecture will be based on her recent NY Review of Books article, “A Land where the Dead Past Walks,” in which she reviewed Carl Rollyson’s two-volume biography of Faulkner as well as Michael Gorra’s book The Saddest Words: William Faulkner’s Civil War.

Ms. Wineapple states: “Faulkner’s chroniclers have to reconcile the novelist’s often repellent political positions with the extraordinary meditations on race, violence, and cruelty in his fiction.”

Ms. Wineapple’s awards include an American Academy of Arts and Letters Literature Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Pushcart Prize, an American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, two National Endowment Fellowships in the Humanities, and an NEH Public Scholars Award for The Impeachers.

Ms. Wineapple is a Visiting Professor in CUNY’s MA Program in Biography and Memoir and teaches in the MFA programs at The New School and Columbia School of the Arts.

Residents will receive a Zoom invitation via email.