Discussion Group to Hear From Priest

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The Contemporary Issues Discussion Group (CIDG) announced that Father John Vigilanti, the Pastor at the Church of the Magdalene in Pocantico Hills, NY will be the lead discussant at its April 22 session which takes place at 10:00 am. He will be talking about “The Priesthood in the Post Pandemic World”.

Fa­ther John, a for­mer army chap­lain who re­tired as a Colonel, had been pres­i­dent of the Acad­emy of Mount St. Ur­su­la’s, a Catholic girls prepara­tory school in the Bronx, for eight years be­fore he ar­rived at Church of the Mag­da­lene. He is a special friend to many of all religions at Kendal. This will be his third appearance before a CIDG audience, though his first via Zoom.

The CIDG discussions start at 10:00 am each Thursday morning. Those who have not signed up previously and wish to hear/see Father John can do so by contacting Gene DuBow.