Refresher Practice Zoom Sessions

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To help residents who wish to access Zoom for a meeting or a course and are having problems, the Computer Committee is offering Refresher Practice Zoom Sessions.

Building on lessons from our first Refresher Zoom Practice, the Computer Committee is offering TWO more ZOOM practice sessions: 


 -ONE DEDICATED TO ZOOMS FROM CELL PHONES (especially useful for those planning to be away but wishing to stay connected for Zoom meetings).

If you sign up, you will receive a Zoom Invitation. You will also receive a Reminder on the day of--or the day before-- the session.

Together we will take turns:

    -Turning our video faces on and off;

    -Seeing all faces or only the Speaker’s;

    -Turning our microphone audio on and off;

    -Raising and lowering our Zoom hands (muting, unmuting, asking questions, lowering our Zoom hands.)

If you are interested in EITHER or BOTH of these refresher practice Zooms, get in touch with Roberta Poupon. Convenient times--probably on a Wednesday in late April-- will be arranged. Each session will be about 40 minutes.

And if there is anything else that you would like to practice on Zoom, just ask.