“The Great Tours-Ireland and Northern Ireland”

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The Great Tours Program continues. The next segment, “The Great Tours-Ireland and Northern Ireland” will start on April 24-25 from 3 pm to 4 pm on Kendal Channel 970.

Ireland is a place of song and story, lush green landscape and tragic history, incredible art and literature, and majestic cathedrals and castles. 

To travel there is to immerse yourself in one of the most beautiful, culturally rich, and historically fascinating countries in the world.

In this 24-lecture series, we will traverse the entirety of the Emerald Isle, from its capital city of Dublin to the midland counties, the coastal stretch from the south to the west, up to the northwestern counties, and then into Northern Ireland.

 Course leader Marc C. Conner, President of Skidmore College, earned his master’s and doctorate in English at Princeton.  Previously Professor of English at Washington and Lee University, he also served as its provost and chief academic officer from 2016 to 2020. 

He is a specialist in modern literature, particularly Irish and American literature. 

From 3 pm to 4 pm each Saturday/Sunday, beginning April 24/25, two half-hour lectures will be presented on Channel 970. This joint project of the Education Committee and Channel 970 is offered as a way to bring interesting weekend programs to residents.

We hope you enjoy it.