Trip to Washington's Headquarters

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The Trips Committee has announced a new trip for Wednesday, August 18. Participants will visit Washington’s Headquarters in Newburgh.

It is a National Historic Landmark and State Historic Site where the general spent most of 1782-83. The first publicly owned and operated historic site in the U.S., the fieldstone Dutch-style farmhouse, also known as Hasbrouck House, is the oldest house in Newburgh.

The site includes a museum of 1,300 items: “Unpacked and Rediscovered: Selections from Washington’s Headquarters Collection”; the Tower of Victory; Minuteman statue; and grounds.

Sign-up takes place as usual in the Activities Alcove opposite the Computer Room.

There are also wait-listed trips that may have room. They are:
July 21: Stonecrop Garden
July 28: Jasper Cropsey Home and Gallery
August 4: Bruce Museum
August 11: Hudson River Cruise.