

Slowly and carefully, life at Kendal is returning to normal.

The wearing of masks is no longer an absolute necessity. Residents can eat together in both the Bistro and Dining Room.

Visitors, while they must register at the desk at the main entrance, are welcome. Children and grandchildren (even great-grandchildren) are seen traipsing through the halls on their way to visit resident relatives.

Religious services have started up again. Catholic Mass is held on Sundays at 12:15 pm. Quaker meetings are held in the Riverview Conference Room on Sundays at 11:00 am. Jewish Shabbat services are held on the 2nd Friday of each month at 4:30 pm in the Riverview Conference Room.

The Fitness Center now opens at 8:30 am and is open to more residents at one time than during the pandemic.

Wine and Cheese Receptions have resumed on Wednesdays starting at 5:00 pm in the Residents Lounge.

Some committees have started up with in-person meetings, while some remain on Zoom.

Perhaps, the most important change is the feeling of increased relaxation. It’s wonderful.