New Trip Announced

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The Trips Committee announced a new adventure scheduled for Wednesday, September 1, to the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

There is a choice of five exhibitions of 21st-century art: 

Frank Stella, “Stars,” sculpture outdoor installation; 

Lucia Hierro, “Marginal Costs,” a room-scaled mural, monumental sculpture, and dimensional collages by a Dominican American New Yorker; 

Hugo McCloud, “from where I stand,” 35 paintings using non-art mediums that show his views on race, class, and unfairness; 

Tim Prentice, “After the Mobile,” the field of motion in sculpture with underlying patterns allowing for variation within limits; 

Clarity Haynes, “Collective Transmission”;

Also two pink paintings of birth Altar and Altar for Femme Joy, symbolizing a feminist tribute; and a two-acre sculpture garden.

Masks are required.  The museum is fully accessible.


Wait-listed Trips

Wednesday, August 18, Washington’s Headquarters, Newburgh

Wednesday, October 6, Hudson River Cruise

A sign-up sheet for the October 6 trip will be put in the Trips Book after the August 11 cruise. Please don’t sign up for the October 6 cruise on the August 11 sheet.