Local Elections November 2

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It can be argued that local government has more impact on our daily lives than what happens nationally or internationally. On November 2, we will have an opportunity to decide who our local leaders will be in Westchester County and the Town of Mount Pleasant.

Do you want to submit an absentee ballot? We have been informed by the Board of Elections that, due to the COVID pandemic, everyone is eligible for an absentee ballot. Even if you previously marked your ballot request "permanent,” it isn't certain that you are permanently enrolled for an absentee ballot. To be safe, residents should call the Board of Elections at 914-995-5700 and ask if you will get an absentee ballot automatically.

They are always polite and cooperative. If you are NOT registered for an absentee ballot and want one, you must fill out a request for one by October 26. There are a stack of request forms near the cubbies. Each voter should fill one out and mail it in or do it on line at https://absenteeballot.elections.ny.gov/

Questions? Contact Martin Smolin, or Annette Leyden.