Pre-Kendal Lives

“Inside Kendal on Hudson: Residents Reflect on their Pre-Kendal Lives.”

By the time each of us moves to Kendal, we will have had at least 65 years of life behind us. Among all the experiences that filled those years and helped to make us who we are, which were most important, or most interesting, or most unusual?

On Monday, March 28, at 7:30 pm, in the Gathering Room, four of our neighbors will offer their answers to those questions.

Barbara Bruno, Eugenie Havemeyer, Hubert Herring, and Peter Seldin will each talk briefly about some aspects of their pre-Kendal lives. The four speakers will not simply review their resumes! For that information, check the biographies available on the Kendal website or in the library. Instead, each will introduce us to aspects of their lives that we would otherwise be unlikely to discover. The panel will be moderated by Ellen Lagemann and is sponsored by the Education Committee.