Transportation News

Wednesday evening 5 pm-9 pm transportation will continue through the month of April.

In March, we began expanding KoH transportation services to accommodate the growing number of Kendal residents who do not own a car, or prefer not to drive after dark.

Our first tryout, providing a driver (Shawn) for Wednesday evenings, was very well received. One resident even wrote a thank you note: “Three of us took the car to and from a Pleasantville restaurant. The process was easy and seamless. Thanks for enabling us to experience this return to a new and improved normal way of life.”

Now we want to hear from you what you’d like us to add next. A Comments Box will be placed next to the sign-up books beginning April 1. Please take a moment to let us know what you’d like us to try. What times of day? What days of the week? Where would you like to go? Any ideas and suggestions are welcome. And do express appreciation if a driver provides extra special service!

Please sign up for Wednesday 5 pm-9 pm transportation at the front desk beginning Friday, April 1. And don’t forget to drop a comment or suggestion in the box.

For questions, please call Ellen, Briana, or Anne.