Coffee Klatch with Chris

After a prolonged pandemic pause, the Health and Wellness Committee is once again delighted to invite you to a Coffee Klatch hosted by Chris Appel, KoH’s Director of Nursing. It will take place on Wednesday, July 27 at 10:00 am on Zoom.

In a follow-up to Dr. K’s recent talk on end-of-life issues, Chris and Lisa Wacht, Health Services Administrator, along with Stacy Conway, Social Worker, and Alisa Pontrelli, Adirondack Case Manager, will focus on how palliative care and comfort care and hospice function at the different levels of living in the Health Center.

Time permitting, this will be followed by an informal discussion of your questions and concerns about health care at Kendal.

Each resident will get a ZOOM link by email.
All are welcome to join in. As the program will be on Zoom, there will be no coffee served. However, we suggest you brew your own and have it handy when we listen to Chris and the others.