Pottery Workshop

Kendal will have a Pottery Workshop on two Thursdays in July: July 14 and July 21 from 2 pm-4pm.

Join Florence Walker, a new Kendal resident, in the Art Room for this beginner's pottery class. She will describe the different types of clay and how they are fired and demonstrate how to make bowls and vases using coils, slabs, and pinching.

After Florence's demonstration, participants will do a project to illustrate one of these techniques.

In the second class, participants will paint their project using acrylic paint. Florence says: “You will find your inner spirit in making a pot or sculpture or wherever it takes.”

Florence has been doing pottery for over 50 years. She has her own studio and uses the potter’s wheel to make bowls and vases. She has many beautiful pieces of pottery in her apartment.

Class is limited to 6. Sign up with Lynn Brady,