
The Portrait Project

You might have noticed Shelley Robinson and Jody Spellun doing sketches of residents in the lounge last week.

They were participating in an event sponsored by the worldwide group “Urban Sketchers,” with chapters in 60 countries, a group of artists who enjoy sketching together and sharing their work.

The “100-People-in-a-Week” project is a challenge which Shelley and Jody did for fun. They plan to put the original sketches into archival binders available for viewing in the KoH library or art room.

Wednesday Art Class

New Unit Begins March 23 at 3:00 in the Art Room

COLLAGE / ASSEMBLAGE - Combine color, form, imagery and typography from magazines and other print and non-print materials. Create a unified piece of art in your own unique style.

March 23: Create pleasing compositions using cut and glued paper. Learn techniques of sketching and laying out color and image choices ahead of final creation.

March 30: Experimentation with focus on creating a good abstract. Emphasis on contrasts between similar and repeated images.

April 6: Combine and incorporate disparate materials such as fabric, wood and other natural found items. Use texturing techniques to enhance color and form.

Registration required for each class. Contact Gretchen Engler

Coming Art Show News

New Art Show


April 26, 2022 to October 18, 2022

Reception  April 26, 4:00-5:30 pm


The curators ask for submission of artwork made by residents and staff never seen before  on the Rue des Artistes.  Paintings, photographs, collages, assemblages, fiber arts, and whatever can hang on the wall or fit in the case. Please bring your work to the Art Room on Friday, April 1, between 10 am and 12 noon or between 1 pm and 3 pm.  If you are unable to bring your work to the Art Room, give us a call, and we will arrange for the work to be picked up. 

You may submit a maximum of three (3) works.  We will let you know which have been chosen.

Your submissions are to be picked up Sunday, April 3 between 10 am and 12 noon, or between 1 pm and 3 pm. 

Please remember to put your name, the title of the work, the medium (oil, collage, etc.), your phone number, and apartment number on the back of your submission. The work does not have to be framed for the INITIAL SUBMISSION.  Many thanks!

The FINAL SUBMISSION of all artworks is Saturday, April 23, 2022.

We look forward to seeing your work and showing others the many talents here at Kendal. It should be an interesting show.

Curators: Lynn Brady, Ann Holloway, and Judy Baker.