If you think that no one other than those who live here are interested in resident life at Kendal on Hudson, you're wrong!

Caroline Persell, Chairperson of the Website Committee reported, "Usage of the Website has been very encouraging. From June 1 to Sept. 7, there have been 1,296 sessions recorded with 513 unique visitors. The visitors stay tuned in an average of 7 minutes each and viewed a total of 6,601 pages."  Outsiders as well as residents are finding their way to the Website. 

It continues to contain a growing amount of important information which should be of interest to all residents.

Knowing that you are, indeed, using the Website, start clicking on as many items  as possible. You'll find all kinds of interesting and exciting information. 


A new seminar on the life, times and speeches of Frederick Douglass will be held starting this month.

Our own Bill McFeely who will be leading it informs us that in addition to Douglass's story the group will be looking into antislavery rhetoric of the day. 

The Seminar will be held on Sept. 22 and 29 plus Oct. 6 and 13. in the Residents Office starting at 11:15 AM. 

It is limited to 15 people . A sign up sheet will be on the Trips Shelf opposite the Computer Room starting Tuesday, Sept. 13


Sept. 21    Hand Bell Ringers informal meeting

Sept. 21    Sleepy Hollow Cemetery Trip

Sept. 26    Bronx Zoo Trip

Sept. 26    Fall Crafts at Lyndhurst Trip

Oct. 10      Opening Session Domestic Issues                       Discussion Program
                  “Accepting & Integrating Refugees                        & Migrants into the U.S."


ice cream.jpg

One of the most (maybe the most) popular item on the Bistro menu is – ice cream. Everybody raves about it. Since we’re downing so much of it, your editor thought you might like to know a little about the product..

It comes from the Hershey Creamery (or Ice Cream Co.) which has no connection to Hershey Chocolate. Same name. Different family. The company started in 1894 by five brothers. Their corporate headquarters are in Harrisburg, PA. They have almost 500 employees. They have stores and market all over the eastern U.S.

Amazingly; they offer 48 different ice cream flavors, 7 kinds of yogurt, six varieties of “No Sugar Added” yogurt and four ice sherbet types.

Our ice cream is ordered by Luis Fernandez our soon to be married Assistant Dining Room Director. The product comes in 3-gallon containers and Luis informs us that we go through about 20 containers a week – 60 gallons of the stuff!  Luis always has 8 different kinds on hand and 24 containers in reserve. Luis does a great selection job. Don't fret! We won't run out!

While they still have the standard chocolate and vanilla, some of the more fascinating flavor names are:

                        Candy Bar Overload
                        Chocolate Moose Tracks
                        Graham Central Station
                        Muddy Sneakers
                        Cappuccino Crunch
                        Cookie Doughlicious

One last fact. They all taste great!

2016 DOMESTIC ISSUES Discussion Program


Beginning in October, the Education Committee will sponsor the 2016 Domestic Issues Discussion Program.  As with the 2015 inaugural program, five current issues confronting the United States, and which may play prominent roles in the 2016 Presidential Election, will be covered.

Sign-up sheets will be available on September 6 in the loose-leaf notebook on the Trips Shelf. Attendance will be limited to 35 participants with interests in domestic political, economic and social issues (additional residents may attend as  observers).

About two weeks prior to its discussion, participants will receive literature on each topic. As preparation for the discussions, participants are encouraged to obtain additional information directly from the internet, newspapers and other periodicals.

The schedule for the 2016 Domestic Issues Discussion Program, including the facilitators leading each session, is shown below. All sessions will be held in the Gathering Room from 10 AM to Noon on the dates noted:

DATE         TOPIC          FACILITATOR                                                              

Oct. 10   Accepting and Integrating     Refugees and Migrants into the United States
                                    Peter Davies

 Oct. 17       Guns, Violence and Money                                              Pat Lightfoot

Nov. 7       The Presidential Election System:   Is It Broken?
                                Gene DuBow              

Nov. 21     What’s Happening to Health Care:                 Where Is It going? Where It Should Go.
                                   Ed Hanin

Dec. 5        U. S. Fair Trade Agreements                  Winners/Losers: Role of Governments
                                    John Sorice


When your editor put up the piece about the Kendal Thursday evening baroque music group, there were a couple of omissions. This addendum is meant to straighten things out and give the editor an opportunity to eat a little humble pie (not as good as the desserts in the Bistro) for failing to be sufficiently inclusive.   

First, Caroline Persell, who plays the violin and doubles as the Webmaster of this website, is also one of the group.

Secondly, the group also play Renaissance music and sometimes classical, not only baroque.  There are 4 outside members, two of whom come very regularly, other two who come when they can.

In addition, just to be clear, the group mostly sight reads the music, very often for the first time. It’s really more of a practice than a performance. 

Whatever it is, it’s an opportunity to see the special kind of residents we have at Kendal and besides, the price for observers is right (free).