Nancy Gibbs to Speak

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Save the Date - Monday, October 26.

Nancy Gibbs, daughter of our Janet Gibbs, returns via Zoom for her third Kendal lecture. The subject will be: “The Perfect Storm that Threatens Democracy”.

Former Managing Editor of TIME magazine, she is an author and commentator on politics and values in the United States. She is currently Lombard Director of the Shorenstein Center at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and also Visiting Edward R. Murrow Professor of Press, Politics, and Public Policy.

The time of the talk will be announced shortly.

China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Future: A Course


Kendal’s Education Committee announces a fascinating course for November.

“China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Future” will be the subject of four lectures via Zoom – Tuesdays, November 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2 pm to 3:30 pm - given by Marjorie Miller, Professor Emerita of Philosophy and Asian Studies.

The course will consider what’s happening in the People’s Republic of China, the dramatic changes in Hong Kong, the surprising and historic changes in Taiwan, and the consequence of all three for the future of Asia, the United States, and the world we live in.

Session 1 - China Now: Politics, economics, Xinjiang and the Moslems, ethnic and gender issues, health issues, social life, education, and China’s new international stances.

Session 2 - Hong Kong: the protests, the responses, and the resistance.

Session 3 - Taiwan: Tsai’s victory in the recent election, the effect of the Hong Kong events on Taiwan, and the current state of Taiwan’s relations with mainland China, Hong Kong, the wider world, and the U.S.

Session 4 - Relations among China, the United States, and other entities: comparative military situations, scope, flash points, dangers, and likelihoods of various scenarios.

It sounds great! To enroll, contact Fran Kelly.

New Residents Council Members

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At the annual election of new members for the Kendal Residents Council last week, the following were elected: Len Andrew, Arthur Brady, Gretchen Engler, Jennifer Gardy, Maria Harris, Peggy Pennell, and Mary Alice Walker.

Continuing members are: Margo Berger, Muriel Fox, Edith Litt, Jeff O’Donnell, Hank Schacht, and Anne White.

Special thanks were given to retiring members: Jacky Cummings, Eugene DuBow, Margaret Gilroy, Bob Sanders, Lois Seulowitz and Pat Taylor.

After the election, the Nominating Committee recommended the following slate of officers for 2020 - 2021, which was voted on and accepted by the new Council: Hank Schacht - Chair, Jeff O’Donnell - Vice Chair, Peggy Pennell - Secretary, Len Andrew - Treasurer.

Congratulations to all.

Dining Open Meeting

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Dining Advisory Committee Chair Margo Berger and Kendal Dining Services Director Fred Coppola invite all residents to an Open Meeting on Thursday, October 8 at 1:30 pm.

The meeting will be a Zoom Webinar available to everyone on their computer, tablet, or phone.

Directions for joining the Webinar will be posted in the October 5 edition of Spotlight.

If a neighbor does not have a computer, it would be nice to invite her/him into your apartment for viewing.

More information will be published on this website next week.

Kendal's Herb Garden

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The Kendal Herb Garden is on the terrace in one of the planters. With the weather turning colder, chances to visit and snip are slowly ebbing away.

When you visit, look for the planter with the dragonfly hovering over the herbs as well as a black sign: "Herb Garden".

Please enjoy the last of these aromatic plants:

  • Bring your clipper and create a bouquet.

  • Gently pick a leaf, crush it or rub it to enjoy the scent.

  • Clip a variety of herbs to enhance your drinks and meals, or place in a vase.

The Horticulture Committee hopes they will remain an olfactory memory until the 2021 season.

Great Tours Program Continues

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“THE GREAT TOURS: Experiencing Medieval Europe” program continues with Weekend 5 on Channel 1970, 3 pm to 4 pm on the following dates:

Saturday, October 3

Lecture 17: “Krakow—The Royal Way” Now the second city of Poland, Krakow once was the center of Polish political, economic and cultural life. Wawel Hill, overlooking the Vistula River, the seat of Polish kings, has been inhabited for at least 1,000 years.

Lecture 18: “Krakow—Crossroads of Europe” Krakow’s market square, the largest medieval square in Europe, is still the heart of city. The transfer point of several medieval trade routes, it was the economic center of the rich Polish kingdom and the crossroads of east and west.

Sunday, October 4

Lecture 19: “Prague—Freedom of Mind and Spirit” Prague has been called the most beautiful city in Europe. Its mix of medieval, Renaissance, baroque and art nouveau architecture, narrow lanes and grand squares produces an effect like no other.

Lecture 20: “Prague—Castle Hill” We climb Hradcany Hill to Prague Castle and the Cathedral of St. Vitus, the religious symbol of the Czech people. In this lecture, we will explore the history and treasures of the cathedral in detail.

A Sleepy Hollow Election


The Village of Sleepy Hollow is where we all live. We’re happily part of it and delighted to partake in its activities.

Martin Smolin, who is active locally, advised us of the following:

Sleepy Hollow is having its LOSAP referendum on Saturday, October 3. LOSAP stands for “Length of Service Award Program.” Other villages in Westchester that have volunteer fire departments and ambulance corps have found a way to recognize volunteers for their contributions to the community. Unpaid firemen and women are often placed in dangerous situations. And, as we know from experience at Kendal, volunteer EMTs save lives by their prompt responses. LOSAP allows local government to put aside tax money for volunteers’ retirement. 

Sleepy Hollow has now decided to establish this worthwhile program, but first it must be approved by the voters. The balloting will take place from 9 am to 6 pm on Saturday, October 4 at KoH in the Residents Lounge. All residents who are registered to vote in Sleepy Hollow may participate. The polls will be supervised by Kendal residents. You must provide proof of residency, so wear your ID tag that day or bring proof of where you live. It should be a yes or no vote.  A summary of the LOSAP will be posted on the bulletin board near the mail boxes.


Upcoming Monday Night Zoom Programs

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The Kendal Education Committee, adhering to all the coronavirus meeting rules, has restarted the series of Monday night programs at 7:30, but remotely on Zoom.

On the horizon are:

Oct. 5: Will Miller, President of the Wallace Foundation, “Columbus, Indiana: How modern architecture has helped shape a small town’s future.”

Oct. 19: Residents Association Annual Meeting

Oct. 26: Nancy Gibbs, Harvard Kennedy School (title to be announced).

Nov. 16: Malia Dumont, Bard College, “China’s Foreign Policy and Military Profile”.

Walk to End Alzheimer's

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For the last few years, Kendal has fielded a team to participate in the Alzheimer's Walk.

Because of the pandemic, this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s is looking a little different, but we are still committed to fighting for a cure! Kendal on Hudson has started a team page that can be accessed online, where you can join the team or make a donation. We will hold a walk on campus for those who wish to participate

Register for the October 4 Walk by clicking here. This will take you directly to team Kendal. 

1) You can then click “join a team” and go from there. 

2)  Ask your friends and family to join the Kendal team - the more the merrier!

3)  Fundraise!  Send an email to everyone you know, tell your story, and ask them to support you!  Provide the link to the page through your participant center in the top right corner of the website. 

When you register you will get 5 flags mailed to you that you can walk with or put in your window or on your lawn. It is a good idea to use your mailing address so that it will be emailed to you.

It is a "Limited Contact" Walk!  You can all walk as a team socially distanced, or everyone can walk on their own in their own neighborhoods. 

Take pictures and send them to Carlene Brown.

Keep fundraising!  You can fundraise through December 31.

Awakening: An Art Show


In about a month Kendal residents will awaken to a new art show right here in their home community.

AWAKENING, Kendal’s New Art Show, is scheduled for October 20, 2020 to April 16, 2021. This is not only a great opportunity for our resident artists to show their work, but perhaps an even greater one for our residents to find out how talented their next-door neighbors are.

The curators, Lynn Brady, Ann Holloway, and Judy Baker, request submission of artwork made by residents and staff (not shown before on the Rue des Artistes): Paintings, photographs, collages, assemblages, wearable art, fiber arts, and whatever can hang on a wall or fit in the case. They ask entrants to please put their name, title of the work, the medium (oil, collage, etc.), and their phone and apartment numbers on the back of the work.

The artwork does not have to be framed at this time. Take your work(s) to the Art Room on Wednesday, September 23, between 10:00 am and noon, or between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Maximum: Three submissions per artist. The works will be curated, and you will be informed which of them have been selected. All works are to be picked up on Friday, September 25, between 10:00 am and noon, or between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

We look forward to seeing your artwork and showing others the many talents here at Kendal. It will be a fascinating show. Thank you.