Monday Zoom Lecture - Wave Hill

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Since its founding in 1965, Wave Hill has evolved as a unique urban oasis, world-class garden, and vital resource. Located in the northwest Bronx overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades and owned by the City of New York, Wave Hill is a must-see for garden enthusiasts and anyone seeking a serene, beautiful place to relax.

On Monday, March 1 at 7:30 pm, Louis Bauer, Director of Horticulture, will present: “Nature into Art, the Gardens of Wave Hill.” In this virtual tour of the main garden areas and conservatory, we will see examples of ways the gardeners make sure the gardens always look good and distinctive. A final photo trip through the seasons will show a few important features that are not part of the nine primary garden areas.

After a first stint at Wave Hill as Greenhouse Manager of the Tropical House and Curator for the Flower Garden, Louis Bauer spent a decade as the Senior Director of Horticulture at Greenwood Gardens before returning to Wave Hill seven years ago. He is a frequent guest on horticultural podcasts and other media.

Residents will receive an email Zoom invitation for the talk.

Patient and Death Information Available

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As of March 1, when appropriate, the Patient Information Extension 3333 will also include a message about the passing of residents. 

 By dialing ext. 3333, you will hear the listing of Kendal residents currently in the hospital or in Clearwater, preceded by the name of any residents who have recently died. This information will add another timely notification of a resident’s death, in addition to the yellow rose placed on the shelf on Main Street. 

 We express our deepest appreciation to Gene King for his dedication to keeping us informed through this telephone service over the past decade. Amazingly, he never missed a single day. Many, many thanks, Gene!

 Sylvia Hawes, who with husband Aubrey moved to Kendal last fall, will be our new announcer of the patient and bereavement information on extension 3333.  Welcome, Sylvia!

 If there are questions about this service, pleased call Amelia Augustus

Zoom Neighbors

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In this time of the pandemic, no one, especially those of us at Kendal, can argue with the fact that Zoom has done a great deal to help us with our lecture and discussion programs. However, some people have a problem getting themselves onto Zoom. Help is on the way.

The Computer Committee, in recognition of the advantages of Zoom and also of its challenges, has introduced the BUDDY approach, thanks to Amelia Augustus. Residents who are willing to have another Resident to Zoom in their apartment or who want to do a Zoom in another apartment, have registered.

ZOOM-NEIGHBORS will now be offered, for those who plan to Zoom but encounter issues before a Zoom meeting starts. Volunteers are the neighbors you can call upon when those frustrating Zoom moments occur – when you can’t find a Zoom invitation, or thought you registered for a webinar but can’t find the confirmation, or in a Zoom meeting find the hand-to-be-raised has moved, or, or, or.  You can call your Zoom Neighbor.

The Computer Committee will be offering Zoom classes (dates TBA). You can also take one or more of the tutorials offered by Senior Planet. Links to them are on the Did You See?(DYS) page of the Residents Website.

ZOOM-NEIGHBORS (so far) are Alida: Jane Hart, Gene DuBow; Claremont: Alice Clague; Robert Fulton: Dennis Mallach; Mary Powell: Roberta Poupon.

Additional VOLUNTEERS are needed.  Please contact Roberta Poupon if you are willing to become a ZOOM-NEIGHBOR.

Movies: You Choose


If you do not already know it , Kendal has its own TV channel, now known as Channel 970. Who chooses the movies that 970 plays?

The 970 Movie Committee wants to provide nightly movies that you look forward to seeing and they need the help of the resident community. In a statement they note:

“Please let us know the kinds of movies you love to see and those that you could live without. Put your comments in one of our cubbies: Roberta Poupon , Annette Leyden, Lailani Moody, or Sara Cook or just tell us when you see us in the dinner line or elsewhere.

Many thanks to those who have already shared your movie preferences with us. When the movie on 970 is not one you love, you can check out the collection of DVDs in the KoH library which can be borrowed.”

Q & A with Kendal Director, Pamela Klapproth

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Pamela Klapproth came to Kendal on Hudson as our Executive Director almost a year ago, just as the Covid-19 pandemic got underway. Because of the rules and regulations keeping residents from any sort of sizeable gatherings, it has been very difficult for Pamela to get to know and speak to many of our residents.

She has tried by meeting with many small groups. On Monday, February 22 at 1 pm, she will host the first monthly residents’ Q & A Zoom session. The topic will be “2021 KoH Operational Goals, and Board Committee Action Areas”.

The registration link was emailed to all residents on Friday, February 12.

If anyone did not receive the email, they can call or email Jordan.

Residents must register through the registration link in Jordan’s email in order to be in on the meeting.

Covid-19 Update

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The weekly Covid-19 update we receive from Kendal Management informs us that:

”We are one week out from our most recent vaccination clinics. For those who have received one dose, but are awaiting the second dose, the clinics to administer them will be held on March 2nd and 3rd. You will be contacted regarding specifics of time and place.

March will bring Spring, but first...

Beginning on March 1st, independent residents may once again eat and drink together in apartments. If visiting (of any type) does occur, the limit is still four resident guests per apartment. Additional “food for thought”, not previously mentioned:

• When not eating or drinking together, please remain masked to maximize protection

• Consider the size and seating arrangement of the apartment in which you are visiting.

While the number of resident guests may be four, it is still important to ensure that 6- foot social distancing can be maintained.

Future Considerations for “Reopening”

Until all second doses are administered, the Bistro will remain as take-out only. We are looking ahead to the middle of March to resume seated dining. Details will be forthcoming from Fred and the Dining Team.

Social visitation to all areas of Kendal on Hudson remain on pause at this time. We eagerly anticipate welcoming visitors back to independent living once our vaccination clinics are complete and fullest efficacy of the vaccines is achieved.

Re-opening of Clearwater, Sunnyside and Adirondack to visitors remains under the direction and guidance of the NYS Department of Health. Currently, there is no indication that the Department is considering any changes in their policies. Lisa will continue to update families as new information is shared by the Department.”

So, as you can see we are slowly moving toward some sort of return to normalcy. Residents will continue to follow the masking, distance and hand-washing regulations. But, it’s great to see that there is a little light at the end of this almost year-long tunnel.

Monday Night Lecture

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Nicholas Meyer, award-winning author, screenwriter, and director, returns Monday evening, Febrary 22, for a Zoom talk: “My Sherlock - Some Observations on the Relations Between Art and Artists - with Special Emphasis on Fictional Characters Who Won’t Stay Dead.”

Meyer’s work in publishing, film, and TV spans more than five decades.  His books include The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, a Doyle pastiche in which Sherlock Holmes met Sigmund Freud.

He made his directing debut in 1979 with a film he wrote, Time After Time. He directed Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Volunteers, The Deceivers, Company Business, Star Trek VI, and The Undiscovered Country. His screenplays include Sommersby and contributions to Fatal Attraction and Dreamworks’ Prince of Egypt.

 Meyer directed ABC’s The Day After, the single most-watched TV film ever made. His two-part miniseries, Houdini, was based on his father, Bernard C. Meyer’s biography.

Born and raised in NYC, Nicholas graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in theatre and filmmaking. He lives in Santa Monica, CA.

He will dedicate his talk to the memory of his mother, Leonore Meyer, recently deceased, whose life became so much richer after becoming a Kendal resident.

Residents will receive an email Zoom invitation; the talk takes place at 7:30 pm Monday, Febrary 22.

Voter Registration Deadline

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March 5, 2021, is the deadline for voter registration to elect the mayor, trustees and village attorney of the Village of Sleepy Hollow.

If you have moved from outside our election district recently and have not yet changed your registration, please contact Annette Leyden or Martin Smolin for a voter registration form.

All other Kendal residents who have not yet registered to vote, this is your opportunity to do so! As far as is known, Kendal residents will be able to vote on the premises.

Watch for further information.

Cartoon Wokshop

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POW! Kendal is about to have a Cartoon Workshop.

Maggie Limburg will lead it on Friday, February 26, 2-4 pm, in the Art Room.

Draw a comic self-portrait, your own pandemic creature, or maybe a family of monsters!

Bring your own paper and pencils or paint, or use what’s available in the Art Room. Open to all, but attendance is limited to six.

To sign up, contact Gretchen Engler.