Kendal Forum

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The monthly Administration Zoom Meeting (now called Kendal Forum) will take place
on Monday, March 22 at 1:00 pm

The topic for the March Forum will be Fire Safety with Bob Michael.

The Zoom invitation is being sent by Jordan DiPaolo to all residents via email.

Registration is required through the link in advance of the meeting.

Questions? Get in touch with Jordan.

Dining Services Committee Zoom Meeting

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There will be an Open Meeting of the Dining Advisory Committee and KoH Dining Services on Thursday, March 18 at 2:00 pm

If you have an email address, you will receive an invitation to register for this Webinar. Click the link and type in the requested information. Then click Register, and a new tab will open and indicate that your registration is approved.

One hour before the meeting, you will receive an email reminder, which includes a link to join the meeting. Please click the link 15 minutes or so before the meeting starts.

Zoom Webinar allows you to see and hear the meeting. Your audio will be muted during the proceedings but will be unmuted for your questions and comments with the panelists.

All residents are welcome.

Health Care Reminder

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This is really important! The Resident Care Center must have important health documents and other health care information on all residents.

Residents are urged to submit updated, current lists of medications, health-care proxies, insurance documents, and any other document(s) they feel important for the Resident Care Center to provide optimal care.

Questions? Call Julie Moran, Resident Care Manager, at ext. 1032.

COVID-19 Update

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On March 4, the following update was received from Kendal Management, namely Pamela Klapproth, CEO/Executive Director, and Lisa Wacht, Health Services Administrator.

We are prepared to move carefully ahead to our “next normal”. This seems to be a more appropriate term to embrace over “new normal” as the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to give us reasons to assess as a community and make necessary changes to move forward in a continually positive and safe manner.

On March 1, Independent Living residents were once again able to welcome other Kendal friends to their apartments to eat and drink together.

We are excited to announce that Kendal on Hudson Independent Living residents may once again welcome non-Kendal visitors for social visits beginning on Monday, March 8. All outside visitors MUST enter through the main lobby and be COVID screened before proceeding to your residence. Please note that non-Kendal visitors are welcome in apartments, but common areas are still reserved for Kendal residents only.

When welcoming any visitor (Kendal or non-Kendal resident) to your apartment, consider the following to optimize safety:

- Please limit gatherings to four guests per apartment, regardless of your reason for gathering.

- Consider the size and seating arrangement of the apartment in which you are visiting. While the number of guests may be four, it is still important to ensure that 6-foot social distancing can be maintained.

While visiting is open for Independent Living, the visitation programs for the neighborhoods of Clearwater, Adirondack and Sunnyside remain on pause in accordance with Department of Health guidelines. Tentatively (but subject to change) each will be eligible for visitation as follows

- Clearwater: Thursday, March 18

- Sunnyside & Adirondack: Friday, March 19

On Wednesday, March 17, dining options will expand for Independent Residents.

Fred Coppola and the Dining Team will distribute a letter addressing this specifically, but highlights include:

- The Formal Dining Room (FDR) will open by reservation only for DINNER

- The Bistro will once again be open without reservations for anyone wishing to have a seated meal during BREAKFAST and LUNCH

- Takeout will continue as an option for everyone

- Capacity of the dining room areas will be reduced to coincide with Westchester County/NYS guidelines

- Kendal residents and staff only; Bistro / FDR not yet open to visitors

Lecture: “Reflections on William Faulkner”

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An exciting Zoom lecture is scheduled for March 11 at 7:30 pm. The program will feature Brenda Wineapple.

Members of Bill McFeely’s history seminar will recall when Ms. Wineapple visited Kendal to discuss her book The Impeachers, published in May 2019. Ms. Wineapple returns on Thursday evening to discuss famed author William Faulkner.

The lecture will be based on her recent NY Review of Books article, “A Land where the Dead Past Walks,” in which she reviewed Carl Rollyson’s two-volume biography of Faulkner as well as Michael Gorra’s book The Saddest Words: William Faulkner’s Civil War.

Ms. Wineapple states: “Faulkner’s chroniclers have to reconcile the novelist’s often repellent political positions with the extraordinary meditations on race, violence, and cruelty in his fiction.”

Ms. Wineapple’s awards include an American Academy of Arts and Letters Literature Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Pushcart Prize, an American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, two National Endowment Fellowships in the Humanities, and an NEH Public Scholars Award for The Impeachers.

Ms. Wineapple is a Visiting Professor in CUNY’s MA Program in Biography and Memoir and teaches in the MFA programs at The New School and Columbia School of the Arts.

Residents will receive a Zoom invitation via email.

Westchester County Elections and Petitioning


Annette Leyden and Martin Smolin will be collecting signatures on petitions for Democratic candidates running for Westchester County offices. Only registered Democrats living in the Town of Mt. Pleasant (where Kendal is located) may sign these petitions.

Republican candidates will also be seeking signatures for themselves. Kendal residents who wish to sign petitions for Republican candidates should call Carl Fugenzi, Mount Pleasant Town Supervisor, 914-557-2590 for information about doing so.

Both the Primary Elections on June 22 (June 12-21 for early voting) and the General Election on November 2 will be held at Philipsburg Manor House. Absentee ballots can be mailed in earlier.

Questions? Contact Annette or Martin.

April Course Announced

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In April, the Education Committee will offer a series of four Tuesday afternoon lectures covering two different but important subjects: food and nutrition; and the recent Mars landing by NASA’s Perseverance Rover.

On April 6, Dr. Cristen Cupples Cooper, Founding Director and Chair of Nutrition and Dietetics in Pace University’s College of Health Professions, will lecture on the history of the U.S. food system and where the future of food may lie for the U.S.

On April 13, Mary Opfer, Registered Dietician and Clinical Assistant Professor at Pace University, will lecture on foods that are good for the mind and immunity (the Mediterranean Diet.)

On April 20 and 27, Matt Ganis, IBM professional and Pace University Professor of Astronomy and Computer Science, will discuss what we have learned since the Perseverance Rover touched down in the Red Planet’s Jezero Crater on February 18.

The course will run from 2 to 3 pm via Zoom. Interested? Please contact Fran Kelly

Health & Wellness Committee

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Health & Wellness Meeting Notice

Chairperson Margaret Ann Roth announced that the Health & Wellness Committee would be holding a Zoom meeting on Friday, March 12, at 10 am.

There is progress on some fronts and ideas to be explored. An invitation will be sent to all Residents either by email from Stan Amberg or with a notice in the cubby of those who have indicated that they do not have email.

Residents wishing to join in who have not previously signed up, should get in touch with Margaret Ann.

Zoom Neighbors


For those who are ready to Zoom but encounter issues as the Zoom starts, these are the volunteers you can call upon to help you out. Perhaps you can’t find a Zoom invitation, or you thought you registered for a webinar but you can’t find the confirmation, or the hand-to-be-raised used to be on the bottom of the screen but it isn’t there (where did it go?), or you took the course and thought you understood but you need a refresher, or…or...or…

Now you can call your ZOOM-NEIGHBOR.

ZOOM-NEIGHBORS Updated list (so far):

ALIDA: Jane Hart, Gene DuBow

CLAREMONT: Alice Clague, Pat Seldin

ROBERT FULTON: Dennis Mallach, Ricky

MARY POWELL: Roberta Poupon, Lillian
Hess, Barbara Gochman


Please contact Roberta Poupon if you are willing to be a Zoom-Neighbor.

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Covid-19 Update

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Information regarding resident rules and regulations as shared by Management are as follows:

Beginning March 1st:

• Independent residents may once again eat and drink together in apartments.

Please limit gatherings to four resident guests per apartment, regardless of your reason for gathering.

Consider the size and seating arrangement of the apartment in which you are visiting. While the number of resident guests may be four, it is still important to ensure that 6-foot social distancing can be maintained.

• Kendal’s quarantine protocols for Independent Living Residents will change.

Going forward, quarantine protocols will be:

  • For visits to the Emergency Room – NO quarantine

  • For inpatient hospital stays – 5 days after discharge

  • For discharge from Clearwater to IL – to be determined case by case

  • For COVID positive individuals – 14 days

  • For known COVID exposures – NO quarantine required if vaccinated

REMINDER: Final COVID-19 vaccine clinics offered through the Federal initiative are scheduled for Tuesday, March 2 and Wednesday, March 3. Only second doses will be administered. If you are due for your second dose, you will be contacted regarding time and location for the vaccine.

The Future (i.e. mid-March and beyond...) Until all second doses are administered, the Bistro will remain as take-out only. We are looking ahead to the middle of March to resume seated dining.

Social (non-resident) visitation to all areas of Kendal on Hudson currently remains on pause. We eagerly anticipate welcoming visitors back to independent living once our vaccination clinics are complete and fullest efficacy of the vaccines is achieved.