
KoH Resident Marilyn Bottjer is co-curating a show of the Hudson River Rug Hookers' work

Here are some photos of the opening Sunday, January 28, 2018.

Photos by Marilyn Bottjer

An Amazing Photo Jan. 31 at 6:51am

Photo by Arthur Brady

Photo by Arthur Brady

The full moon setting over Hook Mountain, north of Nyack. The dark color in the upper left is the start of the lunar eclipse. The total lunar eclipse was not visible in NY. The orange color was caused by the partial shadow (penumbra) that the earth cast on the moon.  

Here's another shot of the same moon setting

Photo by Marilyn Bottjer

Photo by Marilyn Bottjer

Len Andrew Invited All Residents Who Wanted to See his Creche Collection to Visit in Dec. 2017

For those who missed it, here are some photos.  Click on any picture to move the slide show along.