Chalk Man Makes 3-D Art on Pavements

His name is Julian Beever and more of his work is available in his 2010 book, Pavement Chalk Artist.  To read more about him and his work, click here

High Tech Hearing Aids - Some Sound Advice


Hearing aids today are sophisticated, complicated, programmable mini computers. 

The variety of choices and programs available can overwhelm anyone.     The website of an upstate hearing specialist's office does an excellent job of defining and describing the variety of options.   Click here to read their Sound Advice on the Types of Hearing Aids available; however, please disregard the invitation on the website to visit their office.  Hearing aid selection requires many return visits to the Audiologist.  Often, clients will try more then one type or brand of hearing aid with multiple 30-day free trials.  Once the aids of choice are selected and purchased, there can be many return visits to refine the program to match your lifestyle and needs.