Click here to read David Brooks’ column about Putnam’s book in the New York Times.
Interested in an Excellent Lecture about the Changing Zeitgeist regarding Race in the U.S.?
If so, you’ll find this long video of a talk plus Q and A by Troy Duster, a past president of the American Sociological Association and retired Professor of Sociology at both the University of California, Berkeley and New York University, very interesting. Click here to see the introductions by the Director of Ashby Village in Berkeley, California and Arlie Hochschild, Professor Emerita of UC Berkeley, followed by Professor Duster’s talk and responses to interesting questions.
Here's Something for Lovers of all kinds of Animals
Click here to see the video.
Ideas for Keeping in Touch with Others
Click here to read the article.
If You're Interested in Reading about Zoom
Click here for an article.
If Italy is 2 Weeks Ahead of Us, Read What It's Like There
Click here for an article from Italy.
There's a Kendal Resident Who Changed the Relationship between American Jews and Germany
You can read about him here.
Muriel Fox Interviewed by Maria Harris in "The Ferryman"
To read the interview, click here and go to page 6.
Have You Wondered Why You Get So Many Spam or Scam Phone Calls?
Click here for a video from CNBC explaining how and why so many calls are being made.
A Blog on Life Care Communities Considers Varied Reactions of Adult Children
Click here to read this blog and see links to other interesting articles on Life Care Communities.
Do the 400 Wealthiest Americans Have a Lower Tax Rate than any Other Group?
It depends what year you consider. Click here and scroll down the article to see a moving graph showing how tax rates for each decile of American earners changed from 1950 to 2018.
Does Education Cause Better Health Outcomes?
Source: Brian L. Rostron et al., “Education Reporting and Classification on Death Certificates in the United States,” Vital and Health Statistics Series 2, no. 151 (2010): 1-16.
Click here to read an article that finds some evidence to address this question.
Can We Go Plastic Free for Even a Week?
Click here to read an article about how one person did it. You’ll need to scroll down quite far in that link to see Eduardo Garcia’s article. Click here for some reader suggestions the New York Times received after publishing Eduardo Garcia’s article.
Read about Yale's Most Popular Course on the Science of Well-Being
Click here to read about the course in the Yale News and to see how you could take it for free on Coursera.
Joys of Growing Older
Click here to read the article from the New York Times Jan. 13, 2019 which suggests happiness is a skill and a choice.
Are You Thinking about Lightening up on Stocks?
Click here for some helpful questions to consider.
What Happens When Americans Focus on Solving Problems?
Click here for an article by Thomas Friedman about one city that realized they needed to solve their own problems.
How Widespread Are Evictions in the U.S.?
Mathew Desmond, author of Evicted, is building a database to examine how many evictions occur annually in the U.S. Click here to see an article about his work.
Photos by Martin Smolin of the Hotspot Exhibit at the New York Historical Society
Greenwich Village was the hotspot of progressive and radical ideas about women's suffrage as well as other social issues.
How a Teacher Taught his Fifth Graders to Spot Fake News
Click here to read this very interesting article, given to us by Dot Van Kirk.