Thanks to Barbara Bruno for sending it.
Zoom Talk on Old Croton Aqueduct Sunday, January 24, 2021
On Sunday, January 24, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. the Irvington Historical Society will be presenting “The Old Croton Aqueduct in Westchester County,” a Zoom presentation by Tom Tarnowsky. If you have not done so already, you can register for this talk at:
Wondering What Caused the Power Loss Earlier in August?
Photo by Joe Bruno
This pole, which has telephone, electric power, and internet on it, was hit by a car and damaged. That’s why everything went down. For more information, see the News page of this website.
Here's KoH Resident Maria Harris Surveying Some of the Tree Damage in Rockwood Park
Photo by Joe Bruno
Janet Schloat Watering the KoH Herb Garden
Photo by Maria Harris
The garden is flourishing... On a super hot day, during the morning, Janet is doing what the herbs need .... water....before it gets too hot. The residents are enjoying lots of basil as well as parsley, sage, rosemary, two kinds of thyme, chives, garlic tops, lovage and calming lavender along with lovely flowers .
Joe Bruno Featured in Local Paper "Patch"
Photo from Patch
Click here to read the article.
Park Wildflowers 3 by Martin Smolin
Rita Benzer Walked on the New GMC Bridge Walkway
Photos by Rita Benzer
Housatonic River, from Bartholomew's Cobble, a National Landmark in Ashley Falls, MA
Photo by Jeff O’Donnell
Who Says It’s Dull Around KoH?
Photo by Betty Morefield
Look what Betty Morefield saw just looking out her window. Thanks, Betty.
Amazing Sky
Photo by Betty Morefield
News about Westchester, Coronavirus, and Activities
For an article from the Hudson Independent, click here.
For virtual stay-at-home activities in Westchester County, click here.
For Phelps Vitality News of May 2020 on the Coronavirus, click here.
Ellen Ottstadt's Photo of a White Dove in a Kendal Garage
As she says, “Hopefully, this is a sign of good things to come.”
There Was a Brushfire in Rockwood Park May 3, 2020 at 7:48 pm
Photo by Rita Benzer
Kendal’s own Rita Benzer was there with her trusty camera and captured the scene. The local authorities came quickly and put out the fire.
Signs of Spring in Rockefeller Preserve Captured by Martin Smolin
Photos by Martin Smolin
There's a Kendal Resident Who Changed the Relationship between American Jews and Germany
You can read about him here.
Carol Sing in the Lounge December 20, 2019
Photo by Jo-Ann Rapaport
Did You See Santa Here on Sunday December 15?
Photo by Joe Bruno
Christmas at Lyndhurst Castle
Photos by Sally Costa
Muriel Fox Interviewed by Maria Harris in "The Ferryman"
To read the interview, click here and go to page 6.