Father Takes Care of Baby at Home, Sends Wife Photos at Work

A graphic artist living in Germany works from home. His wife leaves their baby girl with him each day as she goes off to work. A few months ago, he got tired of her texting to check on how he was doing with the baby. So he started photoshopping responses to text back to her, and it has become a worldwide Instagram sensation. Here are a few of them.

Art Brady's Annotated Guide to Using Zoom

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Art has made some notes on a page from a Zoom meeting to help you learn where different functions are and how to use them on a computer. Most of the same functions are available on a tablet, and many even on a phone, but they are in different places. Look around for them.

One secret to doing digital stuff is to be sure you look around the entire screen: top, corners, sides, bottom. Some things appear only when you scroll over them, whether with a mouse or a finger. Don’t be afraid to play around a bit (at least before a meeting starts). Hope this helps.

Computer Committee Survey Results and Plans


The KoH residents Computer Committee distributed a survey to residents on January 18 and has received and tallied responses from 140 residents.

Of those responding, all but two had one or more digital devices, whether computers, tablets, or smartphones. They reported many diverse needs for assistance, and the Committee is working on how to help.

Their first planned event is a Workshop on using MS Word for writing and editing on Friday, February 19, 2-3 pm on Zoom. Watch this website and Spotlight for details on this and future resources.

January 30 and Early February 2021 at Kendal on Hudson

A gallery of photos by Margo Berger, Joe Bruno, Maria Harris, Gloria Lewit, Caroline Persell, and Anne White.

Call for Artists

 ArtsWestchester Exhibition Opportunity: An Open Call to the Westchester Community 

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Submit creative works made during the coronavirus pandemic to ArtsWestchester’s curated exhibition, opening spring 2021.

 “ArtsWestchester plans to reopen its gallery after an extended COVID-19 closure with an exhibition of the artistic and creative projects that you’ve been working on since March, 2020. We invite you to share your creativity with us—your homemade puppet theater, your “covid cookbook”, your family zoom concert—and tell your pandemic story. We are open to ALL of your creative ideas.”

 Submission deadline: March 3, 2021

 Before submitting, please review the complete guidelines by clicking here.

Telephone Scam Alert


At least one resident here at KoH has received two telephone calls where the caller said they were from Amazon Prime and wanted to alert them that $200 had just been charged to their Amazon account. If that charge was in error, the recipient of the call should push 1 (or some number) on the phone. The resident did not push anything but hung up and a bit later checked their Amazon account from their computer. Needless to say, in neither case was such a charge listed in their account. Those examples convinced the resident that the caller was “phishing” for information from them and that the call was bogus. Hence this posting to alert others who might receive such calls.