National Cocoa Day celebrates hot cocoa. The day fittingly takes place in December, since the drink is often associated with cold weather. Although the terms “hot chocolate” and “hot cocoa” are often used interchangeably, there technically is a difference between the two — one often overlooked in stores that mislabel them, most often with hot cocoa labeled as hot chocolate. The difference lies in the ingredients: hot chocolate contains cocoa butter, hot cocoa does not. Hot cocoa uses cocoa powder that is made by removing cocoa butter from ground cocoa beans. A paste called chocolate liquor is created through the fermentation, drying, roasting, and grinding process of cocoa beans. Through another method, they separate cocoa butter, leaving cocoa powder. We use this cocoa powder to make hot cocoa. The result has very little fat and calories. Hot chocolate is made from bar chocolate, which has cocoa powder, sugar, and cocoa butter in it. These differences give both their distinct flavor and texture. Hot cocoa is thinner and more chocolatey, but less rich. The richness in hot chocolate comes from the higher fat content in the cocoa butter.
The Mayans get credit for the first chocolate beverage, around 500 BC, although some experts believe chocolate drinks predate even them. The Mayans ground cocoa seeds into a paste and mixed it with ingredients such as water, chili peppers, and cornmeal and drank it cold. By 1,400 CE, a cocoa beverage called xocōlātl was important to the Aztecs, an acquired taste since sugar wasn’t then known in the Americas. In the following century, the recently arrived Spaniards began drinking it, also served cold and was flavored and with vanilla and spices. Hernán Cortés brought cocoa beans and chocolate drink making equipment back with him to Spain in 1528. Xocōlātl became popular — and expensive — drink for the upper class since cocoa beans still only grew in the Americas. It’s believed that cocoa was first served hot the late 16th century.
In 1828, the first cocoa powder producing machine was developed. It separated cocoa butter from cocoa seeds, leaving purer chocolate powder behind, making the powder easier to stir into milk and water, giving it a consistency similar to today’s instant cocoa powder. Also at this time, solid chocolate began being made, when low amounts of cocoa powder was mixed with cocoa butter, leading to the creation of hot chocolate.
Today, hot cocoa is made with hot milk or water, and cocoa powder, which is sweetened with sugar or left unsweetened. Instant hot cocoa powder often contains powdered milk, sugar, and cocoa, which is mixed with water. When not the instant kind, hot cocoa can be made by mixing cocoa powder, sugar, and cream, at the bottom of a cup to make a paste. Hot water is then added to give a smooth consistency, and often topped with marshmallows, whipped cream, or a piece of chocolate.
Hot cocoa has numerous health benefits. Cocoa contains many antioxidants, which fight cancer and heart disease. It also has flavonoids: healthy for blood vessels, protecting them from free radical damage. Cocoa may also help with digestion. Centuries past, hot cocoa was used as medicine for things such as fever and liver disease. However, some recipes have lots of sugar, which negates health benefits.
The 3 prominent varieties of cocoa plants are Forastero, Trinitario, and Criollo. Forastero contributes to up to 90% of the world’s cocoa production. Trinitario originated from Trinidad and is a hybrid variety of cocoa. Criollo, mostly cultivated in Venezuela, is prone to diseases and less common. Trinitario ranks highest in quality and, when compared to the other 2, produces higher yields due to its disease-resistant nature.
December 14: National Bouillabaisse Day