Saturday, April 6, 9am-12pm
Compost Giveback Day at Sleepy Hollow High School
Grab your empty bins and buckets, and join us to take home the compost that has been produced by the Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow Food Scrap Recycling programs. Stop by before or after your trip to the TASH farmers market to take free compost for your home garden, and stop by our educational tables to learn more about compost initiatives in our schools and throughout our villages. Click here for more info…
Sunday, April 7
Community Garden Cleanup and Prep Day (Family Friendly).
We will need helpers with digging, weeding, adding compost, and more. BYOGS (Bring your own gardening supplies) and choose one of these sites:
9am-11am: meet at John Paulding School community garden beds
10:30am-12pm: meet at Sleepy Hollow Village Hall
Saturday, April 13, 9 - 11 am
Saturday Academy at Washington Irving School
Join us for a “Plastic or Planet”-themed science experiment, and enter the raffle for a gift basket of replacement items for common single use plastic offenders!
Sunday, April 14
TWO Fun Family-Friendly Nature Walks
1pm-2:30pm, Wilson Park Drive Lot: Nature walk around Tarrytown Lakes–check out some newly blazed trails with lakes expert Mark Tornello.
10:30am-11:30am, Douglas Park entrance: We’ll observe the spring flora & fauna and identify some fun plants along the way–bring a camera or sketch book if you’d like to document observations.
Saturday, April 20, 8:30am-10 am
Family-Friendly, Tree Walk around Tarrytown Lakes with Redmond Tsai, local arborist: Meet at the Lakes Parking Lot (Neperan and Sunnyside)
Saturday, April 20, 10am-1pm
Celebrate Earth Day in Beautiful Neperan Park (43 Neperan Rd, Tarrytown):
Activity 1: Save a Park tree from choking vines. Vine squad participants should wear long sleeves, gloves and sturdy footwear. Participants must sign a waiver (onsite) before commencing work.
Activity 2: Plant pollinator friendly annual seeds. We will be giving away pollinator friendly seeds as well as planting small containers that you can take home. Great activity for the kids!
Saturday, April 20, 11am-2pm
Sleepy Hollow 150th Anniversary Celebration at Sykes Park
Bring the family to celebrate the village’s 150th birthday with food trucks, a bouncy castle and music. At about noon, local arborist Peter Strom will plant the first of 150 trees that will be planted across Sleepy Hollow this year. Local environmental organizations will be on site offering information about how you can get involved.
Sunday, April 21, 10am-12pm
Clean Up 10591! Meet at Patriots Park and we’ll send you out from there on assigned routes around the two villages.
Saturday, April 27, 9am-5pm
10591 Free Day: Sleepy Hollow Residents are invited to put usable items you no longer want by your curb. Browse your neighborhood for treasures. If anything is left by your curb at the end of the day, please bring it back inside.
April 28, 10am-2pm
Repair Café at Sleepy Hollow Senior Center
Bring those fix-it items collecting dust in your home to our second annual Repair Café! Repair Cafés are free community events that aim to keep our stuff out of the trash through volunteer fixers, menders, tinkerers, and people who just love to take things apart and put them back together again. We will have volunteers on hand to repair bikes, lamps, jewelry, textiles, appliances, electronics, and much more.
May 4, 10am-12pm
River Sweep with Riverkeeper
From Losee Park to Kingsland Point Park, we will sweep plastic and other waste out of the river and into the right place!
May 16, 6pm-8pm
Tarrytown Climate Adaptation Workshop at Warner Library
The Village of Tarrytown is continuing to explore ways to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Come learn about the findings of the Climate Adaptive Design Studio study on the Tarrytown waterfront, and bring your questions, concerns and ideas about how to address extreme weather events.