Folding at Home Project

Folding at home.jpg

KoH’s Computer Committee doesn’t just sit around and discuss computer needs at Kendal. They have become active in the fight against COVID-19.

The Committee has placed a donated, dedicated computer in the resident computer room to work on a special project called “Folding at Home”. The international project works to find cures for diseases by simulating the “folding” of proteins. At the moment, their work is mostly focusing on COVID-19.  The project utilizes unused portions of the computer’s central processing unit (CPU) to aid this research.

Currently, the worldwide Folding program has enough CPU cycles to equal the top two supercomputers combined, and the results are made available to the public so any scientist can use them. However, more capability is needed.

So Joe Bruno, an active member of the Committee, set up the donated computer, and Kendal joined the Folding at Home project.

For more information about what folding is, click here.

For an article about Folding at Home, prepared by the Westchester PC Users Group(WPCUG) for a local paper, click here.