Women's History Month

Muriel Fox.png

March is Women's History Month

The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.

To join in the commemoration, Kendal’s Contemporary Issues Discussion Group (CIDG) will dedicate its March 25 session (Thursday 10:00 am) to the month-long event.

The primary discussant will be Kendal resident Muriel Fox.

Many here at Kendal know Muriel as a friend. However, many do not know that in 1966 she co-founded the National Organization of Women (NOW), and she was NOW president, Betty Friedan's main lieutenant, and director of operations in its earliest years. She also helped edit NOW's original Statement of Purpose (1966). In 1967 she organized NOW's New York chapter, and she founded and edited NOW's first national newsletter (1970-1971). She was the head of public relations for NOW and eventually served as NOW's vice president (1967-1970), chair of its board (1971-1973), and chair of its national advisory committee (1973-1974).

CIDG will be glad to do its little bit to further the importance of Women’s history and will be honored to have Muriel as its lead discussant on this important topic.

Those residents who have not previously attended a CIDG session should get in touch with Gene DuBow for a Zoom invitation.