Monday Evening Lecture: Coping With The Next Pandemic

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The Education Committee is sponsoring a Monday evening (March 29) Zoom Lecture: “Coping with the Next Pandemic.” It will take place at 7:30 pm.

The presentation will be made by Nicholas Robinson, University Professor on the Environment and Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law Emeritus, Pace Law School, who will discuss “Coping with the Next Pandemic.”

In his March 2020 Scientific American article, Professor Robinson noted that the health of all life on the planet is connected. The COVID-19 outbreak starkly reminds us that human, animal, plant, and environmental health and well-being are all intrinsically connected and profoundly influenced by human activities.

Known worldwide for his work on environmental law since 1969, when he was named to the Legal Advisory Committee of the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, Nick Robinson founded Pace University’s environmental law programs, edited the proceedings of the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and is author of several books and numerous articles. He holds a BA from Brown University and a JD from Columbia University School of Law.

Residents will receive an email invitation with the Zoom link -- 7:30 pm Monday, March 29.

This is an extraordinary opportunity and should not be missed.