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The Infection Control Team has been active since February 2020, meeting at least weekly for over a year to proactively manage the impact of COVID-19 on our Kendal community. The Team uses State and Federal (CMS) data in conjunction with CDC recommendations to guide thought processes and decision-making.

The CDC has now designated Westchester County as an area of "HIGH" COVID-19 transmission.

This is an upgrade from last week's “SUBSTANTIAL” status. The New York Forward website reports that the “percentage of positive COVID-19 test results” over the course of the past seven days is currently at 2.5%.

Considering this, the following changes to Kendal protocols are effective by Friday, August 13.


• Independent Residents are required to wear masks when they are out of their apartments, including in common areas and in group meetings.

• When visiting in a private apartment, Independent Living Residents may use their discretion as to whether those in attendance are masked or unmasked.

• Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Residents traveling about the community will also be asked to mask when outside of their neighborhood of residence.


• Wine and Cheese events will be placed on pause and will be evaluated going forward

• All patrons of the Bistro and dining areas should leave their masks on while waiting in line and seated; remove masks only during eating.

Visitor Information

• All visitors to Kendal on Hudson MUST come through the front entrance of Mary Powell to be screened for COVID before proceeding to their destination. Families and private duty aides should not be entering through the “back doors” of Clermont, Robert Fulton, or Alida.

  • ALL visitors, regardless of vaccination status, are asked to wear masks in common areas and hallways.

  • Visitors for Independent Living – may take masks off in private apartments, at the discretion of the resident

  • Visitors to Adirondack, Sunnyside and Clearwater are asked to always wear masks inside the building; masks may be removed for outdoor visits only; Visitors should follow instructions of the neighborhood staff at the time of each visit to ensure that current regulations are met

  • Bistro seated-dining is open to VACCINATED guests only. Please keep masks on until seated and eating. Unvaccinated guests may go through the line for take-out only. Please note that this applies to our younger visitors who are not vaccinated; please dine with them in your private apartment, not in the shared dining venues

Tips for outings away from Kendal:

The CDC has expanded mask guidance and recommendations for VACCINATED people when indoors, based on the community prevalence of COVID.

Westchester County – and its surrounding counties - is currently designated as an area of HIGH COVID transmission. Exercise caution and best judgment when visiting off-campus locations. Please wear your mask in stores and other indoor locations. Please be mindful of those you gather with in group settings; consider if they have been traveling and/or have been in situations where they could have been exposed.

Protect yourself against unnecessary exposure to COVID-19: when in doubt, wear your mask and ask others to also.

Should the Department of Health, New York State, or Westchester County governments impose any closures due to the rise in COVID, Kendal on Hudson will follow accordingly. However, the Infection Control Team / Administration may proactively take decisions regarding changes in operations and policy, if deemed in the community's best interest.