Website News: Consider Helping with Part of the Residents Website

Want to meet interesting people?  Want to help create the KoH Residents Website and contribute to Kendal on Hudson’s vibrant life? If so, the Website Committee would love to learn of your interest and background.  We are looking for people who want to learn how we produce our website, with the aim of becoming involved in that process.

Helpful background includes any or all of the following: familiarity with computers, writing, editing, graphic design, digital photography, or web design (no HTML coding required). You don’t need to have all of the above, but some comfort and experience with computers is helpful. Most important is the willingness to learn how to do new things. 

Some jobs require an hour or so of work a week, others could involve more. All are important and useful.   We’ll have a kick-off event in September to share some of what we do and to explore your interests, so watch this space in Spotlight and on the website for information about when and where. 

Meanwhile, you can think about it over the next several weeks. If you have questions, contact Jeff O’Donnell or Caroline Persell, co-chairs of the Website Committee, via email.