COVID - 19 Update

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Staff Vaccination Requirement

We continue to keep COVID-related infection control a top priority. While we have had overwhelming success in mitigating COVID at Kendal on Hudson to date, the pandemic continues to evolve, and the Delta variant is now spreading in our area. CDC has declared Westchester County an area of “HIGH” COVID transmission. We are looking at the scientific research to determine how best to protect our entire Kendal on Hudson community.

For the protection of all, based on the demonstrated safety of the COVID vaccines offered and based on the current threat of the spread of the Delta and other variants, we have decided that our safest course of action is to require COVID vaccination for all staff.

Effective October 14, 2021, all Kendal on Hudson staff must be fully vaccinated.

“Fully vaccinated” is defined as two weeks after receiving the last dose in a two-vaccine series or two weeks after getting a one-dose vaccine. Therefore, the final dose must be received no later than September 30, 2021.

Unvaccinated staff have been apprised of this new requirement and are being asked to attend informational sessions to learn about the details of the policy.

One-to-one meetings will also be scheduled with unvaccinated individuals. The purpose of the private meetings will be to better understand the employee’s status, aid in scheduling a vaccination appointment or provide information on how to apply for an exemption from the vaccination requirement due to religious or medical reasons.

Booster Shots for COVID-19 Vaccine

CDC has released information regarding booster doses of COVID-19, citing that moderate to severely immunocompromised individuals qualify. Based on the criteria, it is anticipated that less than 3% of the population falls into this category.

Please note, age alone is not sufficient to qualify for a booster of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Qualifying criteria include:

  • Having had an organ transplant and are taking medication to suppress the immune system;

  • Being currently treated for solid tumor cancer or cancer of the blood (i.e., lymphoma or leukemia);

  • Having had a stem cell transplant in the past two years or taking medication to suppress the immune system;

  • Having advanced or untreated HIV infection;

  • Currently receiving active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress the immune system.

Boosters can be given 28 days after a second dose of Moderna or Pfizer for those who qualify. Booster shots may be Moderna or Pfizer.

If you are unsure if you qualify for a booster based on the criteria, please contact your primary care physician for guidance.