The Table Talks (Yet Again)

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Dear New Friends,

You may have heard of me; I am the Give and Take Table, located on the Terrace Level of Mary Powell, just steps from the elevator.

Bert Pepper originated me more than 10 years ago, and I’ve helped Kendalites reallocate their no-longer-needed belongings ever since. It’s a neat way to get rid of that ______ (fill in the blank) that you never use but don’t know what to do with.

Some items are NOT welcome: FOOD, CLOTHING, and SHARP OBJECTS*. Please don’t bring me medicines or supplements, linens or towels, cosmetics, hats, shoes, or compression stockings. Do bring me (in small quantities —I’ll be back next month) books**, CDs, and DVDs. You should know that if an object isn’t claimed by week’s end, it will be disposed of.

Please come visit me during the first week of September. I am on the job from 8:00 am on the first of the month until 5:00 on the 7th.

Looking forward to meeting you,

The Give and Take Table

* There are organizations that will happily accept some of these and I will give you more info on these next month. And, no, that extra can opener you have doesn’t count as a sharp object.

** Check with the Library staff first to see if they can use them.

So sayeth Kendal’s Give & Take Table.