A December 31 Letter from Ellen Woods at Phelps Hospital about COVID Vaccine Availability

Some of you have been asking about your eligibility to receive the coronavirus vaccine. I just received clarification on the distribution in NYS.

Each state can make their own determination as to whom and when the vaccines are distributed, hence why Florida is currently vaccinating seniors while NYS is not.

The state has designated locations for distribution of the vaccine. Phelps has been assigned to handle vaccines for its employees and EMS workers. The state has not indicated whether we will be involved in mass distribution.

The distribution of the vaccines are solely being handled by the state. They will notify the public about their eligibility and designated locations. If selected, Phelps’ role will be to give injections only and not be involved in the logistics of the process.

At this time, there is a reasonable expectation that seniors will be eligible in late January/early February.

I will continue to update you as information is released. As of today, the state has not advised Phelps of any additional information.

Have a Happy new Year.

Ellen Woods, Program Director Vitality and Caregiver Program Phelps Hospital
701 North Broadway
Residence Building
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591

EDITOR’S NOTE: Her letter deals with vaccine availability for seniors in NY State in general. We do not know at this time whether residents of Kendal will be considered differently because they reside in a senior living facility.