Happy Halloween!

Sleepy Hollow is Halloween country writ large. As soon as the calendar flips over to October 1, large groups of tourists arrive for guided tours of the Sleepy Hollow Cemetary. The Blaze (of pumpkin and pumpkin-like sculptures) starts early and stays into November. Neighborhoods and shops start decorating for the big day. And it all culminates (as it did this past weekend) in block parties and the grand parade down Main Street.

If you’re not a fan of the concept or practice of the Halloween celebration, zoom-scroll down past this section. If you are, however, a Halloween junkie (or even someone with a vague appreciation) this section is for you.

The Blaze: Pumpkins Abound — Here Are But a Couple

Photos by Harry Bloomfeld

The New York Botanical Gardens Catches Halloween Fever

Photos by Gerry Mahoney

Witches Festival on the Hudson, October 22

It was a dark and stormy day . . . and, suddenly, witches on the Hudson!

Photos by Mimi Abramovitz

Decorations: Uptown, Downtown, All across the Town!

In the ‘Hood . . .

Just goes to prove the old adage: Don’t drink and fly . . .

Photos by Mimi Abramovitz

On the Town . . .

Beware the passing cars, as well

Inside the stores, too — this one in Town

Young Halloween Artists Were Offered Opportunities on Shop Windows (again, just a few)

And Then the Event Everyone’s Been Waiting For: The Halloween Parade

He who leads it all off . . . the Headless Horseman rides again