In and Around Kendal

It’s Jean!!!

It doesn’t get much better than — when the announcement of your appointment as CEO is made — the entire audience breaks out in spontaneous cheers of approval, along with wild applause, and even a standing ovation by many.

And that’s exactly what happened last Tuesday, October 3, when Kendal Board Chair announced that Jean Eccleston — effective immediately — is our new CEO. YAY!!! To say the community approves is a definite understandment — and then some. Congratulations, Jean! We’re delighted!

Yet Another Reason for Celebration: Ice Cream Cones Have Returned to the Bistro!

Photo by Rita Benzer

Birds on the Brain? If So . . .

What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Follow-Up

Photo by Harry Bloomfeld

If you remember, gentle readers, a good deal of Marianne Bloomfield’s summer was spent with a broken foot (or, to be specific, a busted 5th metatarsal). Like an ill-parked car, she was booted. Well, she’s served her time — and now the boot’s been booted! The parting was amicable, however. Marianne gave it a bouquet of flowers to say, “Farewell.”

Adirondack Art Show: October 5

If you missed it last Friday, following are some of the entries in the Adirondack Art Show.

Photos by Sandra Sandico

Sunset, October 7

Photo by Harry Bloomfeld