A Report from Sheila Darnborough:
Yes, it’s true that your TV Committee is making substantial progress in creating a means for improving the quality and reliability of Channel 970. This has reached the point where a group of tech-oriented residents is learning and testing a modern replacement for the 15-year-old system that runs the channel.
Once we complete training and successfully replicate the current schedule and content with the new equipment — a process that will take several months and is being tested on Channel 971 — we will begin exploring possibilities for incorporating additional technologies into the system. This could expand ways for residents to access Channel 970 content on devices in addition to their TV sets. We will be posting to you on developments as they occur.
An additional note — as the Computer and Movie committee members work on this project, we invite residents with software programming, network communications, and computer hardware experience, past or current, to join us in this effort to improve one of Kendal’s unique community assets.