Spotting the Spotted — and Getting Rid of It

 This you may already know, but, if not, knowing it makes a difference. There’s an enemy a-foot—and a-wing! Pictured below, it's the dreaded spotted lantern fly (or SLF). He’s a handsome fellow, but destructive as hell.

And clearly when he’s not sucking trees and other vegetation dry, he’s partying, because the spotted lantern fly proliferates like crazy. Sleepy Hollow has declared war on these (literal) suckers in an effort to save their victims which include but are not limited to the tree-of-heaven, red and silver maple, walnut, wild grape vine, sycamore, rose bush, oak, birch, fruit tree, Virginia creeper, and porcelain berry. A recent article in the Hudson Independent explains it all. Click below to read.

And the next time you see a spotted lantern fly, squash him (or her)! You can find out the best method (personally, we find the shoe-to-bug method best) in the Hudson Independent. If you love our trees and plants, join the fight!

Article contributed by Jane Hart