Spotting the Spotted — and Getting Rid of It: Part 2

Last week, we bemoaned the arrival and proliferation of the spotted lanternfly which decimates foliage of all kinds. We included a picture of one the dastardly pest. Turns out, the picture was of a spotted lanternfly in its youth. Below are updated pictures of Spotted Lanternflies in their later years. Upon meeting one of these wretched creatures, you are encouraged to respond in one of two ways:

 1) Step forcefully on the damnable thing

2) If it is above your “range of stepping,” take off your shoe and slap it down forcefully on the damnable thing. You can also use a book or magazine, but then you’ll have squashed spotted lanternfly on your book or magazine. Ick!

Spread out version

Folded up version

A really, really folded up version