In and Around Kendal

The Terrace: It’s More Than Flowers

Forget “silver bells and cockle shells . . .,” we got:

From tiny acorns a mighty oak may grow, but from a cutting Susan Yao received from her son, an ever-expanding pumpkin has grown! Stay tuned . . .

And as the summer moves into fall, Uriel Schlair has had success of his own: a watermelon!

Photos by Cynthia Ferguson

In Loving Memory of . . .

“Our” goats have returned home for the season. A couple of final pictures to remember them by.

In the vein of “a woman’s work is never done,” everyone is taking an afternoon nap, except on nanny goat nursing a couple of kids.

Photo by Mimi Abramowitz

Adieu until summer ‘24 . . . one mouthful for the road

Photo by Edward Kasinec

In Search of Finer Things

We had a visitor last week, who was determed — come hell or high water — to be part of Kendal

See starts her efforts . . .

Hesitant, at first . . .

She achieves entry . . .

Above photos by Peter Sibley

Sadly, too late to see the game

Photo by Edward Kasinec

A Final Flourish for the Day

From the terrace, August 30

Photo by Cynthia Ferguson