From the Computer Committee Chair . . .

Critical Questions for the Computer Literate

Q. Why do computers wear glasses? 
A. To improve their web-sight.
Q. How does a computer get drunk?
A. It takes screenshots.
Q. What do you call a computer mouse that swears a lot? 
A. A cursor.
Q. Why was the computer so angry? 
A. Because it had a chip on its shoulder.
Q. Why can’t an IT guy keep a girlfriend? 
A. He turns them all off and on again.
Q. What do you call a computer superhero? 
A. A screen saver
Q. Why did the computer sneeze? 
A. It had a virus.
Q. Where do computers go to dance? 
A. The disk-O.
Q. What chemical is released in your brain when you see something funny on the computer? 
A. Dopameme.

Contributed by Joe Bruno