Last week, we asked you to send in 1 picture (or more) and a brief explanation for that old grammar-school saw: “What I Did on My Summer Vacation.” And several people did! We hope to keep this series running through September, so get busy! Doesn’t have to be jaw-dropping or mind-boggling. The every- day and whimsical are more than welcome. Enough said, here’s the Blast Off:
From Hubert Herring and Lynda Mahoney Herring
We had a delightful week on Caspian Lake, in northeastern Vermont, with our daughter, her boyfriend, our son, and his dog. The swimming was excellent — much cooler than the hot tub that is the Kendal pool. We played bridge, went to see “Barbie,” had a couple of nice hikes.
Jeff O’Donnell & Dorothy Muller
Having a wonderful time in the Berkshires volunteering at Tanglewood and on the local Climate Action Committee. I’ve ushered (or will usher) at 30 concerts/events from “Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me!” in late June to John Legend on Labor Day weekend. In between: amazing concerts by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston Pops, and the Tanglewood Music Institute Orchestra (great young musicians). Not to mention the “unknown” local artists like James Taylor and Yo Yo Ma — and when Yo Yo Ma tested positive for COVID, Renee Fleming filling in singing Richard Strauss. Loving the serenity of being back in nature, not to mention fun ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) lunches. Try it next summer!
Sharry & Art Lukach
Got a new hot water heater! Electricians and plumbers and guys to haul away the water and oil tanks, oh my! Now, hot H2O on demand. Brave new world! Summer means our summer home in the East Hampton woods. We’re looking forward to visits when the “Hamptons” goes back to almost normal.