Two New Art Classes Coming Up

Paul Jeffries Returns for Watercolor Class

Paul Jeffries — art teacher extraordinare — is coming back! He’ll be teaching a watercolor course focusing on landscapes. Paul’s classes have been universally popular at Kendal. His warm, personal, and open approach to art creates a supportive, fun atmosphere, whatever your level.

Beginners are welcome.


February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and March 7

10:00 am — 12:00 noon

in the Art Studio

Make checks in the amount of $90 payable to KoH Residents Association, write “Jeffries Class” on the memo line, and deposit in Lynn Brady’s cubby 3101.

Any questions? Call Lynn, X 1877.

Collage Course Coming!

Collage, from the French, means “to glue.” Rather basic. However the art of collage is a technique of composing an artwork by gluing a wide range of materials — including pieces of paper, fabric, newspaper clippings, and sometimes readymade objects — to a surface. And starting February 7, BirgittaHockstader is offering a course in collage. A couple of examples below. Want more? Check out the collage in the new Winter Art Show, starting Wednesday, January 31 in the Res des Artistes.


Wednesday, February 7, 14, 21, and 28

10:00 am to 12:00 noon

in the Art Studio.

NOTE: The class is limited to 8 participants on a first-come first-served basis.

Beginners are welcome.

To register and ask questions, call X 1599 or email